Humana Cost Comparison Tool

Humana’s new Cost Comparison Tool is now available to Group members on the MyHumana website to help them estimate and compare medical costs in their area prior to a procedure. The tool is designed to help members evaluate their options, understand what to expect during the course of a treatment, save time, and spark conversations with their doctor about ways to save money on healthcare.

Humana Group members can access the Cost Comparison Tool by logging onto myHumana, scrolling to “Plan Tools,” and clicking on “Cost Comparison Tool.”

Q. What is included in my estimate? What happens if I receive additional treatment during the actual procedure or service?

A. Your estimate includes costs for a specific group of procedures and services you will likely receive at a facility over the course of your treatment. If you receive any additional care during the treatment procedure or service, there will be additional medical expenses.

Depending on your plan, you may be responsible for paying some or all of those additional costs. Please note: these estimates are for informational purposes only.

Q. Should I talk with my doctor about treatments, procedures or services I saw on the Cost Comparison Tool?

A. Yes! Please talk to your doctor, dentist or other healthcare provider about what type of care is best for you. We have heard from doctors, and they actually appreciate informed questions. In addition:

  • Print your cost estimate and bring a list of questions about treatment options and costs with you.
  • If you have medical or health-related questions, contact your healthcare provider.
  • Let your provider know your plans before you take any medicine, change any medicine or stop any treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call 911.

Q. Will the Cost Comparison Tool tell me what healthcare I need?

A. No. The Cost Comparison Tool is for informational purposes only. It is intended to help you:

  •  Evaluate your options.
  • Understand what to expect during the course of a treatment.
  • Spark conversations with your doctor.

The information here or on any linked sites is not a substitute for the medical advice of your doctor, dentist or other healthcare provider. However, we endorse guidelines developed by health experts at federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Your doctor or dentist may use these guidelines to plan your general wellness care and other types of treatment.